this wind

there is a wind i feel blowing
it’s swirling and whirling around and around
it blows through my mouth
through my eyes
in my ears
it blows out my heart
its all i can see
its all i can hear
i don’t know where it’s going
i don’t know where it comes from
i’m reaching and stretching
to find the direction it blows
i vow i will follow wherever it goes
it’s a life giving wind
a spirit filled breeze
its language is foreign
i can’t understand
but i know what it’s saying
i know what it wants
it wants everything
all that i have
does it intends to devour me whole?
i fear i’ll be lost to forever
tumble and fall and roll on the ground
my footing gone and never restored
i pass through this fear like a one way door
i climb up its beams
and ladders
and poles
there is a ledge i can see
i’ll stand at the top
looking out on the valley
this wind
this wind


through my heart

